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Veteran Application

Before submitting an application, please read:
☑ I understand I will be placed on a fly list and will be contacted approximately 4 to 5 months before I am assigned to a flight. I also understand that Honor Flight Long Island, reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse, deny or reject any applicant or application for any reason at any time from participating in our mission.
For Medical related inquiries please contact
Board member Jennifer Saul at
It is Honor Flight's privilege to fly our Veteran heroes to Washington, DC. Our highest priority is to our WWII veterans along with Korean and Vietnam War Veterans and any veteran facing terminal illness.
Veterans fly free but must submit an application to get on our wait list. We call veterans to participate on a “first come first served” based on the application date.
If you prefer, you can download the application by clicking the link below, print the application and mail or email to to Jamie Bowden, HFLI Secretary.
By Mail:
Honor Flight Long Island / Jamie Bowden
c/o Southampton Town Hall
116 Hampton Road, Southampton, NY 11968
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